Cleanse Packages

Juiciest Fresh Cold Pressed Juice in the Pilbara - Juice Bottle Lineup

Congrats on starting your journey to your Juiciest self!

Our cold pressed juice cleanse is bursting with nutrients, vitamins and minerals to support and nourish your body, mind and soul.

The Juiciest Cold Pressed Juice Cleanses include:

18 x 350ml bottles of Juice - 3 of each variety - taken daily in the order below:

  • Juiciest Celery
  • Pilbara Sunrise
  • Spinifex
  • 40 Degrees (in the shade)
  • Beets in the Heat
  • Karijini Greenie


  • Cut out nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, sugar, wheat, meat and dairy products in the lead up to your cold pressed juice cleanse.
  • Drink plenty of filtered water – aim for a minimum of 2 litres per day.
  • Start your day with 2 glasses of water.
  • Increase your intake of raw, living foods: leafy greens, salad, fruits and vegetables. Lightly steam if necessary.


  • We recommend consuming your juices in the following order to maximise their benefits: Juiciest Celery, Pilbara Sunrise, Spinifex, 40 Degrees (in the shade), Beets in the Heat, Karijini Greenie.
  • Aim for at least 1 hour between serves. Drink plenty of water throughout your cleanse.
  • Chew your juice – digestion starts in the mouth.
  • Be kind to your body, rest and take it easy.
  • Gentle exercise is encouraged to stay in tune with your body - try stretching, walking or yoga.
  • If you’re really hungry, eat a light snack, such as a raw salad, some lightly steamed vegetables or a serve of vegetable soup.

Cleanse Packages


We’d love you to share your experience with us! Tag us on Facebook and Instagram.

Welcome to your Juiciest self!